Dear all,
Thanks for the information. I have cloned the release, but I get the following error building the release with maven.
[ERROR] Non-resolvable parent POM: Failure to find org.drools:droolsjbpm-parent:pom:5.3.0-SNAPSHOT
I have made the changes as suggested on the Githup repository in my .m2/settings.xml with out any success.
Any suggestions or if you think that it is issue with the .m2/settings.xml configuration can someone provide me with a alternative file for building droolsjbpm(remember ro remove your proxy and server information!)?
May the problem be due to the fact that I am missing a mirror in my configurations( what is the mirror for for org.drools:droolsjbpm-parent:pom:5.3.0-SNAPSHOT)?
I found a suggestion when searching the net that I have to start from a previous release and build that first before I build the latest release but I would like some more information before I try that as an option.
The command I used to try to build the release is: mvn clean install -U
Thanks again for any advice.