JBoss Community

jboss-admin add naming resource AS7

created by herb in Beginner's Corner - View the full discussion

I need some help adding naming resources via jboss-admin, I've some trouble with ":add" syntax.

I like to add "simple" "bindings" to subsystem "naming" - I did it manually in standalone.xml, here's the result:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:naming:1.1">


        <simple name="java:jboss/my/jndi/key1" value="MyJndiValue111"/>

        <simple name="my/jndi/key2" value="MyJndiValue22" type="String"/>




But I want to add "<simple>" elements with jboss-admin cli? But I always get an error? Has anybody an example how to do this?

(I use AS7.1.0CR1b)

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