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Re: can't call a .NET web service ? Cannot stringify null Node

created by Igor JStarter in JBoss Web Services - View the full discussion

got one more reply ... still not working ...


It's very strange, ODE-260 was fixed a long time ago in version 1.2,and now I can see, that version 1.3.3 still contains this bug. I thinkmaintainer didn't apply all my patches, missed some fixes, so thisparticular case is still here. Well, in bug report [1] there is cleardescription when this bug appears, it appears when external servicereturns empty SOAP message without body and without header.

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>


  <soapenv:Body />



You cannot work around this bug, you have to either return some dummydata or header from your external service, or apply patch [2] andrecompile ODE runtime. I'm going to reopen this bug report to notifydeveloper, that this bug still persist.

Just one note, I work with JPA DAO, and as I see you work with JBoss,and so I think you work with Hibernate. If that so, you can try to workaround with just disabling debug logging for class " org.apache.ode.bpel.runtime.

ScopeFrame",I don't know but it can help you.

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