JBoss Community

SignalEvent issue in jBPMConsole

created by Herman Post in jBPM - View the full discussion

We have run into an issue with jbpmConsole that we do not understand.  The sample code runs as expected in eclipse but does not run the same in jbpmConsole.  (project attached running jBPM 5.3/Drools 5.4)



The sample demonstrates starting two different processes in the same kSession and having one process signal an event in the other process. 



The sample code in ProcessApp creates an instance of Hello.bpmn which blocks waiting for a SignalEvent.   It then creates an instance of DataDriveProcess.bpmn which has a single action node that calls kcontext.getKnowledgeRuntime().signalEvent("TestSignal", false);



In eclipse this works fine and the Hello process terminates when it receives the SignalEvent from DataDriveProcess.



If these processes are uploaded to Guvnor and packaged, and then started in jbpmConsole, Hello process does not receive the SignalEvent.   It can be made to work though, if you start the Hello process, note the processInstanceId, then edit the DataDriveProcess in Guvnor to call signalEvent("TestSignal", false, 8) with the explicit processInstanceId, and rebuild and start DataDriveProcess.



So to summarize, signalEvent in 'broadcast' mode, without a specific processInstanceId does not appear to work in jbpmConsole, but does work in eclipse.



We also tried to iterate through all of the process instances from the Action node in jbpmConsole and just SignalEvent on each, but no other process instances are visible.  They are visible in eclipse.





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