JBoss Community

Re: Migration from 4.3 to 5.2

created by Heiko Tappe in jBPM - View the full discussion

Thanks Maciej. I went for the Drools approach with conditional events. And it works :)

Well - kind of. The problem is: how does the rule refer only to those facts that belong to this process?


Did I make myself clear enough?


For instance one of my conditions looks like this:


Order(tasksComplete == true)


But of course this fires for each process instance as long as there is at least ONE order fact in the whole knowledge base that has its tasks completed.

It probably should look something like this (pseudo code):


Order(tasksComplete == true, id = process.getVariable("orderId"))


I know that some time ago I saw some thread somewhere about a similar topic. But I can't find it any longer :((

IIRC it was about inserting the WorkflowProcessInstance as a fact and include it into the LHS of the rule!?

Is this the way to go? And how exactly would I have to do it?

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