Hello agin,
I am getting closer now, but I still need some help.
I looked around within the jmx console and found this:
Inside the article (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-1709) it says:
{code}InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
MyRemote bean = ctx.lookup("java:myserver1/myapp/myjar/myBean#MyRemote");{code}
What makes me wondering is java:
If you look at the top of the screen you can see java: with only one entry (my database datasource)
If you look at java:global you can see my remote and local interface which I want to load with the context.
I also tried something like this:
without any luck.
Do I need to pass some paramters to
{code}InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();{code}
? Maybe I need to tell the context, in which it needs to look at.
Because I always get this exception
{color:#f00}javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: Name 'C
onfigurationHelperRemote' not found in context ''
and context '' seems to be empty. So Empty might be the default (java:) context !?
Thanks a lot and greetings,