JBoss Community

Can JBPM Console be used for visibility into processes being initiated from a different container

created by jjfutt in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hello Everybody,


I'd appreciate if somebody could provide the guidance on the level of integration between CONSOLE and processes initiated from different containers. Here's our scenario:


(1) I'd like to deploy a JBPM process in a Web Container (Jboss or Tomcat), and I am going to use the instructions provided in the JBPM 5.1 Documentaiton to enable 'PERSISTENCE' on it.


However, the instructions provided for enabling persistence on JBPM don't highlight how persistence can be enabled for the console itself. I do get the impression that CONSOLE can be persistence enabled, and can be used to track, view and manage JBPM process instsances that might have been initiated from different containers, but can't find any instructions or information to implement the same. Can somebody please answer these two questions:


Q1: How do we enable persistence for JBPM Console. Right now, if I initiate an exmaple JBPM process deployed within console itself, it's lose after the Jboss server is recycled.


Q2: The instructions for enabling persistence specify how our Java Programs should initiate a process to make them persistence capable. But I couldn't find information if the console itself will use the similar steps when initiating instances from the console?


Q3: Is integration between console and other containers, supported ? (Using console for graphical visibility into processes initiated from other containers). Or is this not a typical scenario and requires creative soution?


Thanks in advance.

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