JBoss Community

Re: Can JBPM Console be used for visibility into processes being initiated from a different container

created by Maciej Swiderski in jBPM - View the full discussion



let me start with last question first:


jjfutt wrote:


Q3: Is integration between console and other containers, supported ? (Using console for graphical visibility into processes initiated from other containers). Or is this not a typical scenario and requires creative soution?

Console consists of two components: client side (GWT presentation) and server (REST services). They communicate over http so in theory it should be possible to have them on two nodes but that does not make to much sense since client components will be running on the browser, besides there could be some security issues if GWT could communicate with another server that it was downloaded from?! So I do not think you could have a console accessing remotely process engine (knowledge base) out of the box. But I also consider that as very important issue especially thinking about enterprise ready BPM.


Moving forward to another question,


jjfutt wrote:


Q1: How do we enable persistence for JBPM Console. Right now, if I initiate an exmaple JBPM process deployed within console itself, it's lose after the Jboss server is recycled.

Console itself does not have any persistence needs, it relies on what jBPM and Task Service provides. The reason why your processes are gone after JBoss restart is most likely cause by db configuration, in memory db by default with console installed by jBPM installer.


Last question


jjfutt wrote:


Q2: The instructions for enabling persistence specify how our Java Programs should initiate a process to make them persistence capable. But I couldn't find information if the console itself will use the similar steps when initiating instances from the console?


Console on startup will create knowledge base and knowledge session to access it. As well Task Service client is created and Human Task work item handler is registered on that session. By default console uses JPA knowledge session. And next whatever action you do from the console uses that session to work with processes and tasks.

Most likely here is the place to implement remote access to knowledge base/session to be able to have a console deployed on another server than the process engine, more over to be able to use console for more than one process engine, which in my opinion would the biggest benefit.


Hope any of my comments will be useful for you ;)



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