JBoss Community

Re: Dinamically switch DataSource in EJB3 application

created by Viggo Navarsete in EJB3 - View the full discussion



if you know the JNDI names of the datasources that you want to switch between, you can do it like this:


private Map<String, EntityManager> cachedEntityManagerMap = new HashMap<String, EntityManager>(); // cached EntityManagers



private EntityManager getEntityManager() {
String jndiName = "java:/something/someDS"; // TODO: Here you need to determine the JNDI name of the DataSource you want to switch to!
log.info( "Change datasource to '" + jndiName + "'" );
if( cachedEntityManagerMap.containsKey( jndiName ) ) { // if already created, return a cached version instead of creating a new
log.debug( "Return cached EntityManager with jndiName '" + jndiName + "'" );
return cachedEntityManagerMap.get( jndiName );
} else {
log.debug( "Return new EntityManager with jndiName '" + jndiName + "'" );
* See "Hibernate Entity Manager User Guide", chapter "Bootstrapping" for more examples of what to override in
* the map
Map<String, String> emMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
emMap.put( "javax.persistence.jtaDataSource", jndiName );
EntityManager em = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory( "somePU", emMap )
cachedEntityManagerMap.put( jndiName, em );
return em;

private EntityManager getEntityManager() {

String jndiName = "java:/something/someDS"; // TODO: Here you need to determine the JNDI name of the DataSource you want to switch to!

log.info( "Change datasource to '" + jndiName + "'" );


if( cachedEntityManagerMap.containsKey( jndiName ) ) { // if already created, return a cached version instead of creating a new

log.debug( "Return cached EntityManager with jndiName '" + jndiName + "'" );

return cachedEntityManagerMap.get( jndiName );

} else {

log.debug( "Return new EntityManager with jndiName '" + jndiName + "'" );


* See "Hibernate Entity Manager User Guide", chapter "Bootstrapping" for more examples of what to override in

* the map


Map<String, String> emMap = new HashMap<String, String>();

emMap.put( "javax.persistence.jtaDataSource", jndiName );

EntityManager em = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory( "somePU", emMap )


cachedEntityManagerMap.put( jndiName, em );

return em;



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