I've downloaded the JBoss Remoting 2_5_3_SP1 zip file and am able to build and run the SimpleServer and
SimpleClient examples from the command line, using ant, as described in the documentation.
I now want to run the SimpleServer and SimpleClient examples in my JBoss AS 5.1 server but I'm a bit confused
about how to do it. The docs (http://docs.jboss.org/jbossremoting/2.5.3.SP1/html/ch12.html) only show
me how to run them from the command-line. I read the article here (http://onjava.com/pub/a/onjava/2005/02/23/remoting.html)
but I'm not sure what config file(s) I should edit. This (http://community.jboss.org/wiki/Remotingexampleservicexml)
example config file looks interesting, but there are no service.xml files in my JBoss installation - there's plenty
of jboss-service.xml files but they look different. I also watched the flash-demo
(http://docs.jboss.org/jbossas/remoting/demo/JBossRemoting_demo.htm) but this doesn't tell me what config
files to change and how, either. So basically, I'm note sure what config files to edit (create ?) or how.
I'm also not sure how I would actually deploy the SimpleServer.class and SimpleClient.class files. I assume I
don't copy the .class files anywhere and they don't seem to belong in a .war file which can be deployed either.
I should perhaps point out that I'm more of a web-component developer (Servlets, JSPs, etc) and not worked
much with 'mbean's (message beans ??) and services before.
If anyone can help me I'll happily write up a step-by-step tutorial for people.
Ken Williams