Hi Sadiroveski,
to install the demo without running the ant script, you can refer to the build.xml provided with the jbpm full installer package.
look for this line in build.xml
<target name="install.demo" depends="install.jboss,install.guvnor.into.jboss,install.designer.into.jboss,install.jBPM-gwt-console.into.jboss,install.jBPM-ht.into.jboss,install.form.builder.into.jboss,install.eclipse,install.jBPM.runtime,install.droolsjbpm-eclipse.into.eclipse" />
there you get what the ant install.demo command do. when you execute ant install.demo, it will execute the dependencies, so the next thing you should look is the install.jboss
<target name="install.jboss" depends="download.jboss">
<unzip src="${install.home}/lib/jboss-as-${jboss.server.version}.zip" dest="${install.home}" />
<chmod perm="a+x" file="${jboss.home}/bin/run.sh" />
<chmod perm="a+x" file="${jboss.home}/bin/shutdown.sh" />
<chmod perm="a+x" file="${jboss.home}/bin/standalone.sh" />
<chmod perm="a+x" file="${jboss.home}/bin/jboss-admin.sh" />
it unzip the jboss AS from the lib directory to the install home directory.
So, by replicating what the build.xml do manually, you should be able to achieve the same result like running the ANT install.demo command.
Thomas Setiabudi