JBoss Community

Re: Query the workflow process definition

created by Chris Melas in jBPM - View the full discussion


You can get any node you like


WorkflowProcess workFlowProcess = ((WorkflowProcess) knowledgeBase.getProcess("yourProcessId"));

        nodes = workFlowProcess.getNodes();


then you can loop and cast to whatever node you want look at the types in package org.jbpm.workflow.core.node i.e. there is a HumanTaskNode etc

i.e. finding the start node


Node startNode = null;

        for (Node node : nodes) {

            if (node instanceof StartNode) {

                startNode = node;




you can even traverse your process

i.e. call the following method as traverseProcessForHumanTaskNodes(startNode, new ArrayList<Node>()); then it will return a collection with all the human task nodes


public static Collection traverseProcessForHumanTaskNodes(Node startNode, Collection<Node> nodes) {

/*you can choose on of your outgoing connections based on some logic*/

        Node nextNode = startNode.getOutgoingConnections("DROOLS_DEFAULT").get(0).getTo();


        if (nextNode instanceof HumanTaskNode) {


        } else if (nextNode instanceof EndNode) {

            return nodes;


        return traverseProcessForHumanTaskNodes(nextNode, nodes);



This is just to get you starting.... with a little debugging you will see that everything is connected and you can easily retrieve it.

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