JBoss Community

Can the JBoss JCA support multiple XAResources?

created by ShuiXin Zhang in IronJacamar - View the full discussion

Hi all,

I have a connector based on JCA. I am confused on the inflow transaction issue.

I construct a XID and submit the work to work manager. The work will access the same database twice, and they will use 2 XAResources. I configured that all XAResource are not belong to same RM.

The first XAResource can work fine, but the second XAResource will use the same XID to start, it is failed.


I noticed that the TransactionImple will use com.arjuna.ats.internal.jta.transaction.arjunacore.subordinate.jca.TransactionImple, its createXid method will use the below code, it will use the old one.


I want to confirm that JCA subordinator can only include one XAResource? If it is no, how can I do it?



    private final Xid createXid(boolean branch, XAModifier theModifier)
        Xid xid = baseXid();
        if (xid != null)
            return xid;
        xid = new XidImple(_theTransaction, branch);
        if (theModifier != null)
                xid = theModifier.createXid((XidImple) xid);
            catch (Exception e)
        return xid;



public final Xid baseXid ()
    return ((SubordinateAtomicAction) _theTransaction).getXid();


It's my start transaction code snippet.


ResourceAdapterImpl ra = (ResourceAdapterImpl)notifier_.getResourceAdapter();
BootstrapContext ctx = ra.getContext();
Xid xid = getXid(tid);
WorkManager workMgr = ctx.getWorkManager();
ExecutionContext ectx = new ExecutionContext();
MyWork work = new MyWork(this, events);
workMgr.doWork(work, WorkManager.INDEFINITE, ectx, work);


I use JBossTS 4.2.3 SP5 C09.

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