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StaleObjectStateException on jBPM 5.1 running on JBoss 6.1

created by Linh Pham in jBPM - View the full discussion

Hi All,


I got an intermittent StaleObjectStateException while completing a Human Task in jBPM. My current set up is as follows:

- Message Driven Bean processes a message, and invokes jBPM to complete a human task:


    @TransactionAttribute(value = TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW)

    public void onMessage(Message message)




               // pulling out the sessionId, workItemId, and resultsMap  from the message

            final StatefulKnowledgeSession ksession = ((JbpmLauncher) new InitialContext().lookup("java:module/JbpmLauncher")).getSession(sessionId);

            ksession.getWorkItemManager().completeWorkItem(inbound.getWorkItemId(), inbound.getResultsMap());


        catch(NamingException e)


            LOGGER.error("Encounterred exception", e);

            throw new WorkflowException("Unable to find the JBPM Launcher. ", e);    //WorkflowException is RuntimeException with @ApplicationException annotation.


        catch(Exception e)


            LOGGER.error("Encounterred exception", e);

            throw new WorkflowException(e);   //WorkflowException is RuntimeException with @ApplicationException annotation.




Intermittently, I got StaleObjectStateException and the stack trace is here: http://pastebin.com/HxUfSPh5


I am using jBPM 5.1, JBoss 6.1, the jbpm-ds.xml is XA datasource with transaction isolation of TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED.  JMS implementation is ActiveMQ with XA Datasource.

My environment is very low traffic, with just one user doing testing at the moment.


Is there a way to reliably reproduce the problem? And more importantly how can I get around this StaleObjectStateException?


Thanks for your help.



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