JBoss Community

JBoss6 - JNDI - Remoting

created by Michael Müller in JNDI and Naming - View the full discussion

Hello community,


i have some question how i can use RMI and JNDI with SessionScopes?

I get always a error on the client side the weld context is no active: I use JBoss6.


Here my example on Serverside:





public interface ContractRemoteService{


     Set<String> getContracts();








public interface LoginRemoteService{

     public void login(String name)








public class ContractRemoteServiceImpl implements ContractRemoteService{



private UserBean userBean;



public Set<String> getContracts(){

     Set<String> contracts = new HashSet<String>();






     return contracts;








public class LoginRemoteServiceImpl implements LoginRemoteService{



private UserBean user;



     public void login(String name){










public class UserBean{


private String name;


public setName(String name){

     this.name = name;



public String getName(){

     return name;





The client side:


public class Client{


public static void main(String [] args) throws Exceptions{

     Context context = new InitialContext();

     LoginRemoteService loginService = (LoginRemoteService) context.lookup(&quot;LoginRemoteServiceImpl/remote&quot;);

     ContractRemoteService contractService = (ContractRemoteService) context.lookup(&quot;ContractRemoteServiceImpl&quot;);


     contractSerive.getContracts();// autsch




Error Message:


WELD-001303 no active contexts for scope javax.enterprise.context.SessionScoped


How can i activate the Context?


Thanks =)

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