I need to be able to build a custom "control panel" for jBPM that shows a process and lets the user view and initiate certain process related actions, for example view information about the script that a certain task executes.
I've found information about how to extract a lot of the information that I need, for example the SVG for the process diagram or the BPMN source.
But I have some problems combining those - the SVG seems to draw the process image just fine - but lacks information about the process blocks, it only has the name tag, but that one isn't always unique in my processes....
There doesn't seem to be any other ID that I can use to relate to the exact process block for further information - or is there?
On the other hand the BPMN source contains more information, but not even that seems to contain all process information, for example the script code etc.
Are there anyone out there who have tried somthing like this, I found some threads here in this forum but not anyone that was an exact match or had a solution....
So - an external web application, it is ok with SVG or just about any format, I don't need to support all browsers, but SVG seems like the natural way of doing it.
Being able to select a certain process to display (no problem with that) and display the process diagram, preferrably exactly as in the Designer (from a layout perspective), preferrably zoomable (easy with a normal SVG, but that might prohibit some coordinate mappings, but I can skip the zooming if there is no other solution).
And the process diagram needs to be "clickable", my intention here was to maybe add mouse click events to the objects in the SVG file if necessary by doing some processing of the actual SVG file - shouldn't be that complicated.
And then I need to be able to find more information than exists in the SVG file after I click on a Service Task for example - and here comes the problem of finding some kind of unique ID for the object.....
Is this possible?