JBoss Community

Timeout with wsconsume

created by Pasquale Imbemba in Beginner's Corner - View the full discussion


is it possibile to set the timeout when using wsconsume?

I'm trying to generate classes and source from a WSDL, but keep getting a



Failed to invoke WSDLToJava
org.apache.cxf.tools.common.ToolException: org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.WSDLRuntimeException: 
Fail to create wsdl definition from : file:/home/pb26683/Documents/GIS/Mercurius/allineamentoGIS.wsdl
Caused by : WSDLException (at /definitions/types/xsd:schema[2]): faultCode=PARSER_ERROR: 
Problem parsing 'http://schemas.opengis.net/gml/2.0.0/feature.xsd'.: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused 


The URL of the WSDL is



I have no problem with other WSDLs from the same domain. This particular WSDL refers to schema from schemas.opengis.net, but that .xsd is reachable.

I have no problem in generating the web service client with Axis 1.4 but feel uncomfortable using Axis 1.4 libraries with my JBoss 6.


Could it be that there's a timeout problem when using wsconsume?


Thank you in adavance,



Nachricht geändert durch Pasquale Imbemba

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