I had to store the ksession id and the process instances it is running separately for recovery. On server restart, I load all sessions and for all process instances stored in my session->processinstanceid mapping table I call ksession.getProcessInstance(processinstanceid).
From another thread here: https://community.jboss.org/thread/195459, it seems like it should be possible to load a process instance into a ksession different from the one it was created in (with some caveats) but I didn't go that route.
Once the right ksession is loaded and available to the workitemhandler, finding the nodeId is straightfoward. E.g. something like this:
private WorkItemNodeInstance getCurrentWorkItemNodeInstance(WorkItem workItem) {
RuleFlowProcessInstance processInst = (RuleFlowProcessInstance)this.ksession.getProcessInstance(workItem.getProcessInstanceId());
Collection<NodeInstance> nodeInstances = processInst.getNodeInstances();
for(NodeInstance nodeInst : nodeInstances) {
if(nodeInst instanceof WorkItemNodeInstance) {
if(((WorkItemNodeInstance)nodeInst).getWorkItem().getId() == workItem.getId()) {
return ((WorkItemNodeInstance)nodeInst);
return null;