I think the jBPM Develpers Guide is not correct in 2.1.2 Business Calendar:
For example:
public class CustomBusinessCalendar implements BusinessCalendar {
public Date add(Date date, String duration) {
if ("my next birthday".equals(duration)) {
GregorianCalendar gregorianCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
gregorianCalendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.JULY);
gregorianCalendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 21);
return gregorianCalendar.getTime();
return null;
To configure the jBPM engine to use this custom business calendar, just add the following line to your jbpm.cfg.xml:
<object class="org.jbpm.test.custombusinesscalendarimpl.CustomBusinessCalendar"
Take a look at the
org.jbpm.test.custombusinesscalendarimpl.CustomBusinessCalendarImplTest for more information.
1) org.jbpm.test.custombusinesscalendarimpl.CustomBusinessCalendarImplTest
doesn't exist
2) To add your EL expression in timers (at least for task's duedate) you have to:
- Write my.own.MyNextBirthday extends Date (or Calendar,GregorianCalendar...) and is equals to the date you want.
- Add to your cfg the following:
<object name="myNextBirthday" class="my.own.MyNextBirthday" />
3) Write your jpdl as follows:
<task name="TaskTransaction2_step1" duedate="#{myNextBirthday} +3 days" candidate-groups="user">