JBoss Community

Continuing problem with XTS WS-T tests in AS trunk/CXF 2.2.9

reply from Jim Ma in JBoss Web Services CXF - View the full discussion

Hi Andrew,


I wrote a simple oneway service and configure the 8443 port connecotor for jboss server:

@WebService(serviceName = "SOAPService",


            endpointInterface = "org.jboss.ssl.Greeter",


            targetNamespace = "http://jbossws.jboss.org/hello_world")


public class GreeterImpl implements Greeter {


    WebServiceContext wscontext;


    public void pingMe() {


        MessageContext msgContext = wscontext.getMessageContext();


        HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest =









When I use a ssl client running in another jvm to send oneway request, the server can always get the "https" schema without error.  Can you see if there any difference between my test setup with XTS test code and configuration here?

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