JBoss Community

Re: Local Tx Datasource is DOWN

created by Ivan Pazmino in Datasource Configuration - View the full discussion

I have similar problem with a jbossas 5.1

Even when at start-up tje server says it has bound the jndi name, in the administration console the datasource is down.

When trying to deploy a single ejb-jar with the administration console the follwing error id thrown


Deployment  "vfszip:/usr/local/java/jboss/jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/test-field/deploy/lunch-ejb-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar/"  is in error due to the following reason(s): java.lang.RuntimeException:  mapped-name is required for lunchDS of deployment EmployeeService


the same error is thrown if the ejb-jar is already in the deploy folder at start-up http://jbossas.pastebin.com/MZ5M9qgT

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