JBoss Community

MDB on WebSphere application sever is not picking up message

created by h Ruan in JBoss Messaging - View the full discussion

My application is running on webspshere application server. I have JBoss Messaging (in jboss eap 4.3) as JMS provider and MDB listener ports configured on the server. It has been working fine with jboss eap 4.3. However, after I upgraded jboss eap  4.3 to jboss eap 6.0. My MDBs are not picking up files anymore and no error messages. I did change the naming context and url as below and put the jboss-client.jar into the messaging provider class path.




I am able to send and receive message to/from jboss eap 6.0 with standalone applications though.


Any one has idea what else needs to be done?




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