JBoss Community

What can we track with JBoss Tools usage reporting?

modified by Andre Dietisheim in JBoss Tools - View the full document


We maintain a Google Analytics account to track JBoss Tools usage. Google Analytics is designed to track web page usage but it might be adapted to track other applications. That's what we did for JBoss Tools and implemented an Eclipse plugin that shall help us to gather userfull informations about our users in an anonymous manner.

How do we track users?

When a JBoss Tools user starts its eclipse he triggers a hit to /tools/usage/action/wsstartup in our Google Analytics Account. There are other urls that are tracked (for instance /pureTest), but these are not triggered by JBoss Tools users and they're not relevant to our use case though.






/tools/usage/action/wsstartupA JBoss Tools user starts its Eclipse
/pureTestTest plugin JUnit tests are run
Users browse our usage page on jboss.org http://jboss.org/tools/usage.html

What are the user values we track?

Google Analytics is designed to track browsers and users browsing web sites. Our Eclipse plugin emulates a browser and reports values the way a browser would. Of course using JBoss Tools in Eclipse does not match the use case of browsing web pages at 100%. It's very close to it though. There are values that are unique to our use case (to track application usage) and are not present in browsers. We map those to values to settings Google Analytics tracks for browsers and misuse their original intent.


Google Analytics FieldInformation we reportValuesExample


Landing Page

What JBoss Tools version is reporting?
  • 1.0.0.v20100916-0700-H62-Beta1
  • 1.0.0.v20100918-0552-H72-Beta1
  • etc.
KeywordWhat are the JBoss Tools components that are installed?
  • archives
  • as
  • birt
  • bpel
  • cdi
  • deltacloud
  • drools
  • esb
  • flow
  • freemarker
  • gwt
  • hibernatetools
  • jbpm
  • jmx
  • jsf
  • jst
  • labs
  • maven
  • modeshape
  • portlet
  • profiler
  • runtime
  • seam
  • smooks
  • struts
  • tptp
  • vpe
  • workingset
  • ws
  • xulrunner


    Visitor TypeIs it a new or a returning User?
    • New Visitor
    • Returning Visitor
    LanguageWhat Locale is Eclipse (Java Locale) set to?
    • en-US
    • de-DE
    • fr-FR
    • etc.


    (Continent, Sub-, Region, City, etc.)

    Where is Eclipse run (geographical location)?
    • Europe (Continent)
    • Germany (Country)
    • Munich (City)
    BrowserWhat's the Eclipse product the user is running?
    • JBoss Developer Studio
    • JEE Eclipse
    • etc.


    Individual Versions are tracked in Visitors (Google Analytics section)



    Operating SystemWhat OS is JBoss Tools running on?
    • Linux
    • Macintosh
    • Windows


    Individual Versions are tracked and might be queried in Visitors




    Screen Colors

    What is the screen color depth the user's using?
    • 32-bit
    • 24-bit
    • etc.
    Screen ResolutionWhat's the screen resolution the user's using?
    • 1920x1080
    • etc
    Flash VersionWhat Java Version is Eclipse (and hence JBoss Tools) running on?
    • 1.6.0_20
    • 1.5.0_9
    • etc.
    Connection SpeedWhat internet connection is he using?
    • T1
    • Cable
    • etc.

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