
NPE while serviceTask call

reply from Claus Straube in jBPM - View the full discussion

arrrrg - found the mistake (of course one minute after my post). Here is the correct code:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bpmn:definitions id="ServiceTaskJava"
    xsi:schemaLocation=" BPMN20.xsd"
    xmlns:bpmn="" typeLanguage=""
    expressionLanguage="" targetNamespace=""

    <bpmn:itemDefinition id="i1">
            <jbpm:object expr="#{instanceId}" />

    <bpmn:itemDefinition id="i2">
        <jbpm:var name="v1" />

    <bpmn:message id="im" name="input message"

    <bpmn:message id="om" name="output message"

    <bpmn:interface id="if1" name="mocks.Mock01">
        <bpmn:operation id="o1" name="call">

    <!-- process definition -->
    <bpmn:process id="foobar" name="async_process">

        <bpmn:startEvent id="s" />
        <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="f1" name="s_2_r1" sourceRef="s" targetRef="r1" />

        <bpmn:receiveTask id="r1" name="r1" />
        <!-- -->
        <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="f2" name="r1_2_t1" sourceRef="r1" targetRef="st1" />

        <bpmn:serviceTask id="st1" name="st1" implementation="Other" operationRef="o1"/>
        <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="f3" name="st1_2_r2" sourceRef="st1" targetRef="r2" />
        <!-- -->
        <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="fx" name="r1_2_r2" sourceRef="r1" targetRef="r2" />
        <bpmn:receiveTask id="r2" name="r2" />
        <bpmn:sequenceFlow id="f4" name="r2_2_e1" sourceRef="r2" targetRef="e1" />

        <bpmn:endEvent id="e1" name="e1" />            


The problem was the in and out message ref.


Best regards - claus

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