I am using JBoss 5.1 RunTime Server, Eclipse Helios and Seam 2.0 in my computer. I can start JBoss server without any problem from Eclipse. I want to view my XHTML page from Eclipse. After selecting mark as deployable to my XHTML page then after clicking Run As - > Run On
Server, I see HTTP Status 404 - /webProject/trial.xhtml type Status report message /webProject/trial.xhtmdescription The requested resource (/webProject/trial.xhtml) is not available.After checking server logs I found out that error :
JBossTools was unable to resume the JBoss deployment scanner. Your deployment may not be recognized by the server. Please ensure your version of JBoss includes an unsecured JMX adapter.org.jboss.tools.jmx.core.JMXException: Could not obtain connection to any of
these urls: localhost:1099 and discovery failed with error: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.String
Could you please help me to fix this issue ? I will be appreciated if you can help.