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url-delimiter in xa-datasource ignored?

created by Martin Kretschmer in Datasource Configuration - View the full discussion



I'm trying to create a xa-datasource with failover using url-delimiter set to |, but it seems that JBoss 7.1.1 final is ignoring this setting.


Datasource (at least the parts I think are important): 


<xa-datasource jndi-name="xxx" pool-name="xxx" use-ccm="false">

      <xa-datasource-property name="URL">jdbc:mysql://xxx|jdbc:mysql://yyy</xa-datasource-property>





When starting JBoss with this configuration, I get an exception with "Database xxx|jdbc:mysql...." not found, so JBoss is not splitting

the URL by the delimiter as expected but handing over the complete URL.


A similar issue was filed as a bug here: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/AS7-3433 but seems to have been fixed for normal, non-xa datasources,

even though from going through the sources it seems that XAManagedConnectionFactory has some logic in it to process url-delimiters. I guess

it's misconfiguration / misunderstanding on my part then - but where?


Best regards,


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