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Persistent processes and workItems

created by Miljenko Norsic in jBPM - View the full discussion



I'm implementing a process that uses custom work item handlers that respond to external events (that is, they do not terminate upon calling executeWorkItem() method), they are persisted and completed when external system responds (then I call manager.completeWorkItem() method).


So, work items are persisted into a database (into a table WORKITEMINFO), where I see a LOB called workItemByteArray.


My question is: are all process variables stored into a workItemByteArray?


I'm asking this because I have implemented a variable persistence process strategy (by using script tasks to add variables into a process and persist it), but it seems that workItemInfo doesn't understand I have persisted objects already, and it serializes those objects into a LOB.


And this is a problem because I have an object stored into a database twice: once as a entity, and once as a serialized object in a byteArray in work item.


Can someone from jBPM team confirm/deny this (I might be wrong, I did not read sources throughly, and I'm judging according to my sample app)?


Thanks in advance,


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