Can any of you see whether I'm simply missing something here?
I create a simple process in the diagram editor, containing a Call Activity. I set the "Called Activity" attribute to TestCallId. See the attached image "Call Activity Id Attribute Set.png".
I close the editor, and reopen the editor... and the "Called Activity" value has changed (see Changed Attribute Value.PNG)!
When I check the underlying bpmn file, the calledElement attribute of the callActivity element is still correctly set as TestCallId. Is the Diagram Editor simply loading up the wrong value, so that when I save it overwrites TestCallId with the incorrect SequenceFlow_4 value?
I'm planning on designing my flows with lots of call activities to make big diagrams easier to digest. Relationships between the diagrams getting squashed every time I edit and save diagram is becoming very tiresome.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.