JBoss Community

Re: birt report data not showing up in jbpm console - can't load jdbc jar ?

created by Anand Awasthi in jBPM - View the full discussion

Tanks I will try that download. BTW, Yes I am trying to run both overall report and process summary report. 


I have been able to run these  2 reports with following cases:


1) deploy Birt.war on WAS 7. Able to generate reports thru this - OK (addeded jdbc jar in classpath of viewer)


2) open these reports in Eclipse - Designer - able to see data ok- (added jdbc jar in classpath)


3) Installed Report Engine API in D:/xxxx - added jar in ReportEngine/lib - works OK


Error Case:


Deployed Console on WAS 7 - Birt Service is pointing to Report Engine installed in D:/xxxxx. Service initalized OK, Both Report Templates show up in Console - Reporting Section along with the Error mentioned in the original post.

(In this cases copied all jars from ReportEngine/lib to Console-server-war/WEB-INF/lib along with jdbc Jar, so they are in class path of Console).

I dont see any other errors in WAS server and ffdc logs. BTW, I also configured the jndi datasource in report template.

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