JBT/JBDS builds and JBT/JBDS SWTBot tests developers has to use the same version of SWTBot bits. Current version of SWTBot bits will be specified in target file stored in SVN repository at this location https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbosstools/trunk/build/target-platform/.
?? description how to read target file to find out which SWTBot bits are used by JBT/JBDS builds and has to be added to this document.
In case when SWTBot bits has to be updated these steps are necessary:
- developer has to compile complete SWTBot test suite with new SWTBot bits to check if something will be broken after SWTBot bits update.
- in case when there are some compilation errors after SWTBot update developer has to fix all compilation errors and commit them to SVN repository
- update SWTBot target file to specify proper SWTBot bits and commit it to SVN repositry. ?? descritpion how to modify this file has to be added to this document
- inform SWTBot tests developers about SWTBot bits update sending email to external-exadel-list@redhat.com