Hi Thomas
I think I have a little different situation: but I'll try your way.
The first time process is created and task is started and completed (in one method), and now, for example: stop the server, the server starts again, the next task started, and the next step task is complete. Now I don't have next task, workiteminfo was deleted in last operation (complete).
I have servlet with init work item handler for new session (question or new session or load always one session, is the difference? or maybe without this servlet and register workitemhandler when process is starting as you write if I understand ...) :
UserTransaction ut = (UserTransaction) new InitialContext().lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction");
StatefulKnowledgeSession session = JbpmAPIUtil.getExistingSession(37);
JPAWorkingMemoryDbLogger logger = new JPAWorkingMemoryDbLogger(session);
CommandBasedWSHumanTaskHandler taskHandler = new CommandBasedWSHumanTaskHandler(session);