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How to use different implementation of UserGroupCallback for each Process?

created by Thomas Setiabudi in jBPM - View the full discussion



in JBPM (currently I am using JBPM 5.4 Final ), is it possible to have different implementation of UserGroupCallback for every process definition?


Sample case is I have two different process, say Process A and Process B

Process A has its own user and group store and structure while Process B also has its own user and group store and structure.


Is it possible to have different implementation of UserGroupCallback for each Process Definition?


Currently this is my setup:

1. I use JBPM 5.4 Final

2. My JBPM jars and Human Task jars are bundled in one WebApp

3. I use Spring to setup single StatefulKnowledgeSession that lives as long as the WebApp lives.

4. I also setup a Local Task Service and set the UserGroupCallback implementation via Spring


this is how my the UserGroupCallback registered in Spring


<bean id="userGroupCallbackManager" class="org.jbpm.task.identity.UserGroupCallbackManager"
                    <property name="callback" ref="chameleonUGC"></property>


A brief chat with Salaboy (Mauricio Salatino) in IRC, he says that I can set multiple Knowledge Session for each process definition

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