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jBPM3 Release Procedure

modified by Administrator Administrator in jBPM - View the full document

Get clean Hudson matrices

Create Hudson jobs for the release branch in the QA box.

# su -l hudson
$ cd svn/jbpm/jbpm3/branches/
$ svn co http://anonsvn.jboss.org/repos/jbpm/jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.x
$ cd jbpm-3.x/hudson
$ ant hudson-setup

Run the jobs and verify they complete successfully.

Follow web console test protocol

Refer to jBPM3 Web Console Test Protocol

Update Release Notes

Copy the release notes from the JIRA road map into modules/distribution/src/main/etc/release.notes.html

Create tag in Subversion

$ svn cp https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbpm/jbpm3/branches/jbpm-3.x https://svn.jboss.org/repos/jbpm/jbpm3/tags

Deploy maven artifacts

Check out the jBPM3 maven artifacts.

$ mkdir -p repository/org/jbpm
$ cd repository/org/jbpm
$ svn co https://svn.jboss.org/repos/repository.jboss.org/maven2/org/jbpm/jbpm3


Define the following profile in your settings.xml. Set property altDeploymentRepository to the location where you checked out the jBPM 3 maven artifacts.


Change to the project directory and execute the command below. This will put the new artifacts in your local checkout of the repository, update the artifact metadata and calculate the checksums.

$ mvn -Pdistro clean deploy

Review the generated artifacts and commit when you are satisfied. After a few minutes, the artifacts will be available from the JBoss repository.

Release files for download

See the Guide to the File Release System for a complete description of the procedure. Here is a quick reference.


SF.net offers several methods to upload files, including SCP. The username below corresponds to your SF.net account.

$ cd modules/distribution/target
$ scp jbpm-installer-version.jar username@frs.sourceforge.net:uploads

Point your browser to the file releases page. Add a new release and associate the uploaded file to it.

Publish new version in the downloads page

Check out the jBPM portal content.

$ svn co https://cms.labs.jboss.com/prod/forge/portal-content/default/members/jbossjbpm

Update and commit the following files. The corresponding download pages will be refreshed shortly afterwards.


Portal Content File
Download Page


Good luck.

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