This morning I woke up to an email stating that Christos Vasilakis had created an iPhone app to manage JBoss AS 7 servers from your phone, he even posted a video about it.
I tried it out immediatly and wanted to see how to use it against servers started by JBoss Tools. Since JBoss AS 7 is secured by default you have to do a few steps to make this work:
Add a user to your JBoss Server with $JBOSS_HOME/bin/
Set "Host name" to your local ip instead of localhost
Add<local ip> to the server launch configuration.
Note: These steps are not unique for the iPhone app, it's the exact same you would need to do for any remote management of your JBoss Tools started server.
To show how it all works together I recorded a screencast which shows the setup in tools and how to use the iPhone app.
Thanks to Christos for making the app and hope you all enjoy managing your JBoss Tools started AS 7 server from your couch :)