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EJB operations on server shutdown by called from MBean

created by ameo in EJB3 - View the full discussion



in my application i have to clean some configuration parameters on server shutdown.


Therefore I have a MBean that injects a Stateless Session Bean named CleanUp that deliveres a method for configure operations.


This CleanUp ejb is called by the stop() - method of the MBean.


If I do it like this, I get an Exception:


     Unable to inject jndi dependency: CleanUpEjb not bound.


Question: How can I force the EJB not to unbound by the application server before the stop()-Method of the MBean invoked ?


I know that there is @Depends annotation, but there I have to give the full ServiceName/Path. That name is a fixed String

that can change too much. So I don't want to use it.




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