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JMS client stoped linstening messages on TOPIC, Cause Itendified was: JMS Client have no intemation if "secondaryConnectPort" and "secondaryBindPort" connections fail while "serverBindPort" connection is alive.

created by Jagan Rao in JBoss Messaging - View the full discussion

JMS client stoped linstening messages on TOPIC,


After digging into the problem I am able to find the root cause:

JMS Client have no intemation if "secondaryConnectPort" and "secondaryBindPort" connections failed while "serverBindPort" connection is alive.


because "secondaryConnectPort" and "secondaryBindPort" were dead with out any intimation there was no flow of Control and Data between Client and server.


some how server side listener is able to identified this connection fail but client do not have any clue no exception nothing.


I have no clue how improve from this situation, If someone know any configuration to heal the problem or something is missing at Listener end it, some information or solution would be helpful to me as well as to others.



Thanks in advance,


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