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Business Rules using Fluent API - JBPM 5

created by Jhonatas Vicente de Jesus in jBPM - View the full discussion

Business Rules using Fluent API - JBPM 5

Hello people.

I wonder how to create business rules or rules of navigation using the Fluent API.
I found this code below:

Split split = new Split ();
split.setName ("split");
split.setMetaData ("x", 1);
split.setMetaData ("y", 2);
split.setMetaData ("width", 3);
split.setMetaData ("height", 4);
split.setType (Split.TYPE_XOR);
Connection connection = new ConnectionImpl (split, Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE, actionNode, Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE);
ConstraintImpl Constraint constraint = new ();
constraint.setName ("constraint1 ><&&");
constraint.setPriority (1);
constraint.setDialect ("dialect1");
constraint.setType ("type1");
constraint.setConstraint ("constraint-text1");
split.setConstraint (connection, constraint);
connection = new ConnectionImpl (split, Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE, ruleSetNode, Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE);
ConstraintImpl constraint = new ();
constraint.setName ("constraint2");
constraint.setPriority (2);
constraint.setDialect ("dialect2");
constraint.setType ("type2");
constraint.setConstraint ("constraint-text2");
split.setConstraint (connection, constraint);
process.addNode (split);
new ConnectionImpl (startNode, Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE, split, Node.CONNECTION_DEFAULT_TYPE);

How could I set an expression? If age> 18 go to XXXX activity, if it goes to another activity.!

I can not find how to set the terms of navigation.

Sorry for English, I used google translate!

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