m p [
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"java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not find
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I am developing in Eclipse and using Struts 2 framework to build and deploy .war file to
http://www.coderanch.com/forums/f-63/JBoss JBoss. 4.2.3GA
There is an action class that I am using to insert a user into a database table - pretty
simple stuff
I get the following exception for executeUpdate() method.
DEBUG com.opensymphony.xwork2.DefaultActionInvocation.debug:68 - Executing action method =
[STDOUT] >>>>>>>>>>insert into catNav.USERS
values('mm', 'pp', 88, 'mm.pp(a)yahoo.com
[STDOUT] java.sql.SQLException
http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/sql/SQLException.html): [Microsoft][ODBC
Microsoft Access Driver] Could not find file
*I am provide the full path to the database .mdb file but the exception is referring to
file in jboss folder, which is does no exist. I am struggling to find a solution to
resolve this. * The path, using either \\ or / file separators is validated as an
exception occurs if invalid path is defined.
The code is below; I have the same code in a standalone Java program that executes
successfully (I verify row was added) .... *but fails when running on JBoss* :(
public String execute() throws Exception {
//call Service class to store personBean's state in database
final String dbName = "catNav";
Connection con = null; // The connection to the database.
Statement stmt = null;
// The following code can throw errors, so they must be caught.
// First, tell Java what driver to use and where to find it.
// Next, create a connection to your data source.
// Specify that you are using the ODBC-JDBC Bridge.
// And specify the data source name from ODBC.
String database =
"jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver
con = DriverManager.getConnection(database, "", "");
/* also tried:
con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:catNavDB");
// Create an SQL statement.
stmt = con.createStatement();
// Execute some SQL to create a table in your database.
// If the table already exists, an exception is thrown!
String sqlSt = "insert into " + dbName +
".USERS " +
"values('" + personBean.getFirstName() + "', " + //
"'" + personBean.getLastName() + "', " + //
personBean.getAge() + ", " + // AGE
"'" + personBean.getEmail() + "'); " ; //
// display SQL statment
System.out.println (">>>>>>>>>>" + sqlSt );
stmt.executeUpdate( sqlSt);
// Catch any exceptions that are thrown.
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