This has now been released and is in the Maven2 repo. It will make it up to shortly.
** Bug
* [ JBCACHE-1447 ] JDBM cache loader remove of the root childeren doesn't clear the data
* [ JBCACHE-1450 ] putForExternalRead() doesn't use a 0 lock acquisition timeout with MVCC
* [ JBCACHE-1452 ] JDBCCacheLoader Doesn't Work With Sybase
* [ JBCACHE-1454 ] Memory leak in CacheStoreInterceptor
* [ JBCACHE-1455 ] Rollback corrupts nodes loaded from cache loader
* [ JBCACHE-1456 ] The root node starts with "children loaded" flag
* [ JBCACHE-1457 ] TcpCacheServer: Listening thread should attempt recovery
* [ JBCACHE-1459 ] FastCopyHashMaps misbehave when serialized and then deserialized
* [ JBCACHE-1460 ] Inefficient remove() in JDBCCacheLoader
** Patch
* [ JBCACHE-1451 ] Read Time Out for TcpDelegatingCacheLoader