That's perfect, thank you.

> Repo:
> GroupId: org.jboss.cache
> ArtifactId: jbosscache-core
> Version: 2.1.1.GA
> Have a look in here:
> Cheers
> Manik

On 8 Jul 2008, at 18:42, Mimoun Laurent wrote:

Could you tell to me how can I use jboss cache library in a maven project ?
I want to use the latest version Alegrias (2.1.1.GA).
So I added this repository in my pom.xml : as it is recommanded at this 'one year old' post :
But it doesn't contain the last version of jboss cache (the more recent is 2.0.0.GA)?
There also is the default maven repository but the last version sounds very very old 1.2.0.
Is-there a way to use a quite "official" maven repository to use jboss cache library ?

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Lead, JBoss Cache

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