We've recently created some labels on GitHub PRs. The idea is to make it easier to see, at-a-glance what the PR is waiting upon. Although Github will allow multiple labels to be present at once, our workflow forbids it.
The workflow is quite simple:
On Hold
This is for WiP PRs and things that can't be merged until some external factor has been addressed. For example, requires a DCP outage, so we need to wait for an appropriate time. this typically replaces the "DO NOT MERGE THIS YET" text that people have been adding.
Ready for Review
This label means that a reviewer should take a look. Mark your PRs as this when they are ready for review or when you have completed addressing the reviewer's comments.
Address Comments
This means that a review round is complete and there are comments that need addressing.
Ready to Merge:
This indicates that a reviewer is happy for the PR to be merged. This step is skipped if the reviewer merges immediately.
Awaiting retest
This just indicates that a retest has been triggered. Once the test completes, it would most likely be switched to "Ready for Review". I added this label for my own convenience, it's not necessarily something you have to use.
Pete and I only set this up yesterday, so it's likely to evolve over time. Lets see how we get on with it.
Paul Robinson
JBoss Developer Team Lead (
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