tycho.scmUrl was set by this PR https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-javaee/pull/130 . It didn't break earlier because the tycho-packaging-plugin was not configured to use Eclipse-SourceReference yet.
This PR should ensure build configuration is inherited and the the tycho.scmUrl is propagated: https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-javaee/pull/138 . I let you review and merge it.

It seems to resolve the specific error that caused this build to fail, but it failed later because of a compile error.

On 09/04/2013 07:10 AM, ci-builds@redhat.com wrote:
Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: Eclipse-SourceReferences header should be generated but ${tycho.scmUrl} is not set
	at org.eclipse.tycho.packaging.sourceref.ScmUrl.<init>(ScmUrl.java:30)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.packaging.sourceref.SourceReferenceComputer.addSourceReferenceHeader(SourceReferenceComputer.java:43)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.packaging.PackagePluginMojo.updateManifest(PackagePluginMojo.java:247)
	at org.eclipse.tycho.packaging.PackagePluginMojo.createPluginJar(PackagePluginMojo.java:209)
	... 22 more

Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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