Hi all,

Eclipse 4.4.M3 has been released last week. It contains a big (good) change for Linux users: implementation of SWT against GTK3 instead of GTK2. This is mostly perfect, but there are still a few glitches (this required a lot of changes, so even the most careful developers could miss some things).
It would be helpful if you could start using this 4.4.M3 as an IDE for JBT/JBDS and report any bug you notice to https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/enter_bug.cgi?product=Platform . The sooner they get fixed in Eclipse, the less bad surprise and pain we'll have for JBoss Tools and JBoss Developer Studio.
FYI, this change was implemented and is maintained by the Eclipse Fedora team at Red Hat, and the 4.40.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT will soon use this new implementation of SWT.

Last point to convince you: Eclipse looks nicer with GTK3 than it does with GTK2 ;)
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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