On 02/06/2014 09:19 AM, Max Andersen wrote:
It's slow vs it's faster
This seems to be a misconception. I let you try the following scenario:
At the same time
* start "mvn clean verify -Dmultile-to-repo.includeSources=true" on jbosstools-target-platforms/jbosstools/multiple
* Import TP in workspace and click "Set as Target Platform", or (often better) go to Preferences > PDE > Target-Platform, select the new TP and click "Apply"
The first one to finish is declared winner.

From my place, IDE takes about 15 minutes to have TP loaded (I tried 3 times), whereas I started mirroring with Maven 50 minutes ago and it's still running.

[TP in IDE] needs to download everything on every new workspace
That's true. But since mirroring takes more than 3 times more time, then it's the same time to update TP in 3 different workspace. There is no time saved by mirroring TP with Maven except if you're using it in more that 4 workspace.

It often fails
I wish you would report it when it happens, so we can find out the reason and hopefully fix it.

So I confirm and insist that I still (and will probably always) recommend using directly .target in IDE, because it's simpler and more efficient. https://github.com/jbosstools/jbosstools-devdoc/blob/master/building/target_platforms/target_platforms_for_consumers.md#load-in-ide
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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