Reminder, code freeze for 4.9.0.Final / 12.9.0.GA is in two days: Wed, Sep 26.

(Feature freeze / UI freeze happened 3 weeks ago.)

Please get all your stuff into github by EOD (in your timezone) on Wed so we can spin up the builds over night and have something to stage for QE on Thurs.

Oh, and if you haven't tried out the new 4.9.0.Final-SNAPSHOT target platform I announced on Friday night ~midnight EST, please look for that email and give it a whirl. It's already being used in the parent pom and the CI jobs in dev-platform CCI Jenkins.

If your tests are not all green, please at least have a look at them. They should really not be yellow or red at this point.

Known offenders for failing tests include:
* jbosstools-server ITests
* jbosstools-javaee tests
* jbosstools-integation-tests
* jbosstools-base sonar builds

Details and links to failing jobs/builds/tests:

Thanks all,



Nick Boldt

Principal Software Engineer, RHCSA

Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

IM: @nickboldt / @nboldt /

“The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change” - Heraclitus