Great idea, Rob! I would also appreciated if there was a JIRA for each component as Nick suggested.
There are 30 reports for integration tests. Looking at a few, it was either just a change in a pom or a false positive.
So I wonder why that is.
Take these two as an example:

Their patch-id is different:
$ git show dec2f114|git patch-id
9b70b5088668467b18419301adacb703d26411cc dec2f114af3acce10c5c9d3ee6043016e5322142
$ git show 904fea9f5|git patch-id
1748ab1b8d0835a3a6b3d45fc0c57bb4fa24e2a3 904fea9f59c54e612aac05ae347126c618fe695d

Now let's see what seems to be different:
$ diff <(git show 904fea9f5) <(git show dec2f114)
< commit 904fea9f59c54e612aac05ae347126c618fe695d
> commit dec2f114af3acce10c5c9d3ee6043016e5322142
< index 0942ef1..ff618cd 100644
> index face7e9..40b4e4e 100644
<  Bundle-Version: 4.4.0.qualifier
>  Bundle-Version: 4.3.0.qualifier
< index ff53ec5..54a64ee 100644
> index fbccb09..aae2c25 100644

You see, there is nothing different - apart from checksums, it's the bundle version. But that is outside of the changes - that is just there for context, not part of the commits. Any idea why the patch-id is different?


On 18. 4. 2016, at 23:09, Rob Stryker <> wrote:

On 04/18/2016 05:05 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

great initiative - may I suggest you do a PR for your script and put it at where we have other such utilities.

Also, might be easier if you put the run info into  jira since the output is quite hard to read/use here from mail.

btw. it looks like this tool actually is very good at finding the false positives - i.e. change in pom.xml where it just changes version seem to be something you could filter out somehow ?

First, I disagree that these are false-positives ;)   These are commits that are in maintenance that aren't in master. 

And, in all honesty, I think it'd be a mistake to simply filter them out. I think it's much better to list the false positive and let the component owner use his judgment whether the patch needs further inspection or not. Such simple version-changes will be very very easy for a human to spot as irrelevant to master.  This may cause the repository owner to waste 2-3 seconds for each commit, but it guarantees that every possible unmatched commit is found.

I think this is much better and safer than possibly adding some logic to filter out version changes and later discover that the logic was wrong and so it was hiding legitimately missing commits from being shown.  Also, since we're not inspecting the patches at all, but rather comparing patch-id's, it would make the script much much more complicated.

Il meglio è nemico del bene  -  Perfect is the enemy of good

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