Hi all,
m2e 0.16.0 RC2 ( is available from the m2e-wtp 0.16.0 milestones update site [1].
Along a couple minor bugs [2] that have been fixed thanks to the contributions of Roberto Sanchez and Marcos Munoz, from IBM,
the most notable changes since the last RC1 build are :
* all the required plugins are now signed using
eclipse.org certificate.
* an SDK has been added to the update site
Even though you still can not upgrade m2e-wtp over the former m2eclipse-wtp when doing "Help > Install New Software..." (both plugins are seen as incompatible),
you should get a better shot at trying "Find updates" ([1] must be added to Preferences > Install/Update > Available Software Sites) : p2 will consider m2e-wtp as a viable update solution for m2eclipse-wtp.
Hopefully, you shouldn't have any problem installing m2e-wtp 0.16.0 over a clean Eclipse JavaEE installation.
The full changelog for 0.16.0 is available at [3].
If m2e-wtp successfully passes its release review on wed. 26/09, it'll be officially released on fri. 28/09 (same date as Juno SR1)
Fred Bricon
"Have you tried turning it off and on again" - The IT Crowd