As you no doubt heard, master branch is unfrozen and dev of 4.5.1 / 11.1 can start in earnest. Only 12 weeks until the next GA in October!I've automatically updated all your jbosstools-* project root poms to use the new 4.5.1.AM1-SNAPSHOT parent pom.When you make changes to any plugins or features, make sure you bump the plugins/features to a larger maintenance version. If you want to bump the whole project, run something like this in your root folder:
mvn -Dtycho.mode=maven org.eclipse.tycho:tycho-
versions-plugin:1.0.0:set- version -DnewVersion=3.4.1-SNAPSHOT Or if you want to bump a single plugin (and its containing feature) then you'll have to run the above command that in the individual plugin and feature folders.To verify your local changes will work, run like this:mvn clean verify -DskipBaselineComparison=falseNot sure which version to increment to? Generally the rule is x.y.0 -> x.y.1. But if you're already at x.y.100, you'll want to move to x.y.101 or x.y.200.Cheers,--Nick Boldt
Senior Software Engineer, RHCSA
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
IM: @nickboldt / @nboldt /
Nick Boldt
Senior Software Engineer, RHCSA
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
IM: @nickboldt / @nboldt /