why GenerateEntitiesWizard -> performFinish -> wc.setAttribute("hibernate.dialect", "org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect")?

why we setup org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect by default? it look like some error… Dima create JBIDE-4555.

yeah that sounds weird - doesn't make sense.


Max, why ConsoleConfiguration -> localCfg.setProperty( "hibernate.temp.use_jdbc_metadata_defaults", "false" ); - is false not a true?

Is the reason the same - autoConfigureDialect is commented:

//autoConfigureDialect(localCfg); Disabled for now since it causes very looong timeouts for non-running databases + i havent been needed until now...


yes - a non-started database causes the whole ui to hang.

So why GenerateEntitiesWizard -> performFinish -> wc.setAttribute("hibernate.temp.use_jdbc_metadata_defaults", true);

Do you know some other way  - to check non-running database quickly without getConnection?

look at the datbase url, driverclass and look at the info in DTP data or if that is not enough ask the user for the db,

It is possible to enhance SettingsFactory -> buildSettings here:

è if ( useJdbcMetadata ) {

it is possible to cache databaseName & databaseMajorVersion to read it only once…

No, what should it based the cache on ?

Not a job for hibernate core to keep track of.
