Hi Mickael,

Just for your information, Paul who is the guy of Nodeclipse https://github.com/PaulVI has integrated tern.java+angularjs eclipse inside nodeclipse http://www.nodeclipse.org/

Regards Angelo

2014-05-19 11:15 GMT+02:00 Mickael Istria <mistria@redhat.com>:
Hi all,

It seems like Nodeclipse provide a very good toolset for JavaScript: http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/nodeclipseenide-eclipse-nodejs-ide . Some tools were developed in Nodeclipse, some others are aggregated from other projects (such as http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/eclipse-plugin-less , http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/markdown-text-editor , http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/github-flavored-markdown-viewer-plugin ...)
Should we consider putting some parts of it on Central ? or even in JBDS ?
Should we try to lobby with some authors to move projects to Eclipse.org ?
Mickael Istria
Eclipse developer at JBoss, by Red Hat
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